Journal History

Journal Founding
Swadaya: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat was established in 2023 with the aim of disseminating the results of community service conducted by students, lecturers, researchers, and the general public. The journal was founded by Ahmad Syarifudin and is committed to advancing community service activities on various issues.

Vision and Mission
From the beginning, the vision of this journal has been to serve as a publication medium for community service results that apply research findings and scientific knowledge in society. Our mission is to support academics, researchers, practitioners, and the general public in publishing their community service results so that they have a social impact.

Development and Achievements
Since its inception, Swadaya has undergone various changes. Swadaya has been indexed by Google Scholar and Garuda Ristekdikti. We will also continue to strive for inclusion in more indexing databases such as DOAJ, Dimension, and others.

Editorial Board
Over the years, our editorial board structure has evolved to include a number of experts from various disciplines. We have been led by a dedicated editor-in-chief, including experienced editors.

Editorial Policy and Process
We are committed to maintaining high standards in our peer review process, which follows a double-blind methodology. Over time, we have adopted new technologies to facilitate the manuscript management process.

Contribution to the Field
Articles published in Swadaya have made significant contributions to understanding and practice in the field of community service.

Publication Statistics
Each year, we publish approximately 10 articles with an acceptance rate of 95%. These statistics reflect our commitment to selecting high-quality articles relevant to our readers.

Collaboration and Partnerships
Swadaya will continue to strive to enhance the reach and impact of our publications.