Rumah Jurnal Nuban Institute adalah Sistem Jurnal Elektronik yang dikelola oleh Yayasan Nuban Jagadhita Centre mulai dikelola pada tahun 2023 merupakan wadah publikasi ilmiah bagi pegiat penelitian dalam negeri ataupun luar negeri.
Qualitative Research in Educational Psychology
Qualitative Research in Educational Psychology is a leading forum for qualitative researchers in educational psychology and seeks innovative and pioneering work that moves the field forward. The journal has published state-of-the-art debates on specific research approaches, methods, and analytic techniques, such as discourse analysis, interpretative phenomenological analysis, visual analyses, and online research, the role of qualitative research in specific fields such as psychological studies, and the teaching of qualitative methods in the undergraduate curriculum and on educational psychology training programs. The journal has also published informative articles on specific aspects of qualitative research processes such as ethics, transcription, and interviewee recruitment, and helped to promote innovative research techniques such as photovoice, autoethnography, template analysis, and psychogeography. Our audience consists of psychology professionals using qualitative methods of inquiry in research in academic, clinical, or occupational settings. While most readers will be interested in psychology as a discipline, Qualitative Research in Educational Psychology is strongly interdisciplinary in focus. It aims to increase awareness of educational psychology as a social science that embraces a variety of qualitative approaches.
Journal of Arabic for Non-Native Speakers
Journal of Arabic for Non-Native Speakers is a professional, double blind peer-reviewed international journal devoted to promoting dissemination of scholarly knowledge and exchange of academic research and professional findings on all aspects of first, second or foreign language (L2) learning and teaching. Due attention is paid to the teaching and learning of all languages as a first, second or foreign language. To this end, JANNS publishes theoretical and empirical studies in the form of original research, research reviews, case studies, conceptual frameworks, and innovative educational and social ideas with both regional and global perspectives. JANNS has a clear preference for manuscripts with strong theoretical foundation and tangible educational and research implications. We, therefore, invite original submissions from around the world that fit within this aim.
Journal of Early Childhood Studies
JECS: Journal of Early Childhood Studies publishes research articles, reports field studies, the best practices and policies of early childhood learning in national and international stage. Educational programs serving very young children have become increasingly complex, diverse, and comprehensive. JECS: Journal of Early Childhood Studies is a professional publication for early childhood practitioners, such as classroom teachers, child care providers, and teacher educators, all of whom are dedicated to the education and care of young children, ages birth through eight. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles covering curriculum, child care programs, administration, staff development, family-school relationships, equity issues, multicultural units, health nutrition, facilities, special needs, employer-sponsored care, infant/toddler programs, child development, advocacy, and more. Articles analyze issues, trends, policies, and practices, as well as offering well-documented points-of-view and practical recommendations.
Swadaya: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Swadaya: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal published by the Nuban Institute. This journal focuses on various forms of community service, with the primary goal of disseminating conceptual thoughts, innovative ideas, and research findings related to a wide range of social issues faced by communities. The journal provides a platform for academics, researchers, and practitioners to share their findings and experiences in community engagement. Through this publication, we aim to encourage active participation in developing sustainable solutions to social issues, both in local and global contexts. Swadaya emphasizes a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach, allowing for the exchange of knowledge that can enrich insights and practices in the field. In doing so, the journal serves as a strategic platform for intellectual contributions that can influence public policy and enhance community service practices. We believe that by disseminating high-quality ideas and research, Swadaya can act as a catalyst for positive change that has a broad impact on the welfare of society.
Journal of Contemporary Applied Islamic Philanthropy
Journal of Contemporary Applied Islamic Philanthropy is a professional, double blind peer-reviewed international journal devoted to promoting dissemination of scholarly knowledge and exchange of academic research and professional findings on all aspects of first, second or foreign language (L2) learning and teaching. Due attention is paid to the teaching and learning of all languages as a first, second or foreign language. To this end, JCAIP publishes theoretical and empirical studies in the form of original research, research reviews, case studies, conceptual frameworks, and innovative educational and social ideas with both regional and global perspectives. JCAIP has a clear preference for manuscripts with strong theoretical foundation and tangible educational and research implications. We, therefore, invite original submissions from around the world that fit within this aim.
Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika Kontemporer
Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika Kontemporer memiliki Fokus dan Cakupan: Model Pembelajaran Matematika, Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika, Metode Pembelajaran Matematika, Media Pembelajaran Matematika, Etnomatematika, Berpikir Matematika, Psikologi Belajar Matematika, Evaluasi Pembelajaran Matematika, Instrumen Pembelajaran Matematika. Penulis yang ingin mengirimkan naskah ke Redaksi Jurnal Kajian Pembelajaran Matematika harus mengikuti pedoman penulisan. Jika naskah yang dikirim tidak sesuai dengan panduan, fokus dan scope jurnal, maka akan langsung ditolak oleh editor. Naskah yang dikirim oleh penulis akan diproses secara keseluruhan memerlukan waktu 2 bulan.